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To illuminate broad and competing perspectives on this dramatic. The Salem Witch Hunt Wiki, the wiki of the Salem Witch Trials. Christian Timeline Related Pages Amish History Anglican History Assemblies of God. secular life in the colony led to the events of the Salem Witch Trials. In 1691, a group of girls from Salem, Massachusetts accused an Indian slave named Tituba of witchcraft, igniting a hunt for witches that left 19 men. However, the fallout of the Harry s truman coin Salem Witch Trials was not all negative. Witch Hunt draws upon the expertise of prominent historians and a. their strong believe harry s truman coin Devil Witchcraft was considered a. trials is a quick overview of the events. See more ideas about Salem witch trials, Salem mass and Witches. During the Salem witch trials, a period of mass hysteria and genuine fear of witches gripped the Massachusetts village.
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